Who We Are?
Founded in 2009, Bandwidth Bidder has become the premier intermediate for IT Professionals, Phone Companies, ISP’s, and today’s Data Transformation. Our management team has over 25 years of combined mindshare with tele-communications services that include products, provisioning, technology, and solutions. Since its inception, we have been channel-friendly for a true win-win of resources and revenue.
We provide the brainstorming needed in today’s evolving connected work world.
Our acquired technology company “SkyBridge”, was honored with the 2014 Cloudys Award. PHOENIX– Sept 8, 2014 – Channel Partners, a resource for indirect sales channels offering IT and telecom solutions, is pleased to announce that SkyBridge has been selected as a winner of the 2014 Cloudys Cloud Channel Innovation Award for Most Innovative Cloud Best Practice.
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